v16 Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!!
Thanks a lot for your work Koying.

Quick test on Philips 8601 UHD android TV, software version QM151E.
- AC3 is OK
- EAC3 is OK
- DTS is NOK (white noise)

When you play a movie, the volume jumps to 100%.
This is okay for PT devices like the shield, but annoying on MediaTek Android TV that are able to render themselves.
It would be great if the volume reset (to 100%) was optional.

Another bug: the first AC3 movie plays fine, but when I start another AC3 movie while the first one is still playing, it fails to lock and there is no sound anymore.

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RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by stefaang - 2016-01-12, 20:22
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Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!!11