[split] Improved Classical Music Browsing
DaveBlake - First time poster here and kodi newbee. :) I tested Kodi out a years ago and was turned off because of the limitations it had with handing ID tags. The addition of TCON is a great start. I use TCON as a dummy ID tag to separate my music collection (i.e. christmas from the rest). I use TIT1 (grouping) so I can group my music. For example and not to pick on the Rolling Stones. They are a good band but I find it very hard to listen to every track on a whole album. So I set up a groups (tit1) that assigns a "rocking" category (but it could be any word I suppose). So if I want to hear all good rolling stones song I would select using the grouping tag. If I want to listen to them all, I don't select the rocking tag. Kodi still can't handle this TIT1 tag. Is there a way to add TIT1 into the mix?

An out of the box idea (remember I'm a noobie). Is it possible to use some sort of XML file somewhere to define what ID tags the database should read when files are imported? Mediatomb for example works great - you can assign whatever ID tags you want to read in via an xml file.

Thanks again for taking the initiative to make this program even better!

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Improved Classical Music Browsing - by zag - 2015-09-17, 13:40
RE: Improved Classical Music Browsing - by tommyp - 2016-01-29, 16:10
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[split] Improved Classical Music Browsing3