MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)
The official stance of Minix is that U1 doesn't support Dolby Atmos. So, we may have to go by that.
MINIX-Ken Wrote:I think the thread you quoted is a better place to discuss this matter.
We don't and we can't bring this forward, they are the developers who can make a change.
Our official reply will be the same - Dolby Atmos is not a supported format.
We won't stop any hackings that might get it working on our device(s).
I know it can be played.

Minix Ken's post on Minix forum

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Minix U1 Review - by hdmkv - 2015-12-01, 15:53
RE: MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0) - by wesk05 - 2016-01-30, 03:30
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MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)2