Scraper JustUseTheFileName stopped working since V15.x

I revised the scraper so you are able to scrape music videos with the "really stupid music video scraper". The first post of the thread was regarding movies and I thought that's what you wanted with your +1 in the thread reply. My bad for not closely reading your next reply.

I tested the titles you listed:

ArtistFirstName ArtistLastName - Bulletproof.avi
returned: ArtistFirstName ArtistLastName - Bulletproof

SomeArtist - 'DREAM OF GOOSE' Performance at 2013 SEOUL CONCERT "HAPPENING".1080p.mp4
returned: SomeArtist - 'DREAM OF GOOSE' Performance at 2013 SEOUL CONCERT "HAPPENING".1080p

Some Artist & Person - Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime (Top of the Pops, Aug 24 2003).avi
returned: Some Artist & Person - Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime (Top of the Pops, Aug 24 2003)

Mr.Artist - Up 'n away.360p.webm
returned: Mr.Artist - Up 'n away.360p

returned: artist feat person-turn the lights off-x264-2011-grmv

returned: Artist_LastName Aldrig Ensam Live P3 Guld 2010

Sub folder\Artist and the Artist - "Primadonna" - LIVE @ Channel 95.5 in Detroit, MI - August 1st, 2012.1080p.mp4

the "\" is not allowed in any windows file name

so I used:
Artist and the Artist - "Primadonna" - LIVE @ Channel 95.5 in Detroit, MI - August 1st, 2012.1080p.mp4
returned: Artist and the Artist - "Primadonna" - LIVE @ Channel 95.5 in Detroit, MI - August 1st, 2012.1080p

I used the following in the advancedsettings.xml: (thanks veky010 for the addition of cleandatetime)

PHP Code:

Download and install really_stupid scraper here

Download, unzip, copy/paste advancedsettings.xml to Kodi's userdata folder from here here

Note that file extension is not returned.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Scraper JustUseTheFileName stopped working since V15.x - by mrjwm2 - 2016-02-11, 02:59
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Scraper JustUseTheFileName stopped working since V15.x1