[RELEASE] Flix2Kodi - Just another Netflix-Addon
Hey Logi, I'm having some trouble with getting Flix2Kodi to launch via Google Chrome. Forgive me if it's a simple error.

I've got it running A1 on my laptop, select a movie and it launches perfectly in Google Chrome. Now I have the same setup installed on my main tower running Windows 7. Settings are all configured the exact same so I'm not immediately seeing anything as to why it may not be launching properly. Once I select a movie or TV show the window will say "If your browser does not launch, something went wrong. Push BACK to leave this dialog." Then it jumps back to my movie list.

This doesn't happen on my laptop. I've got it to run on Internet Explorer on my main machine but I tend to have some crashes with that from time to time so I would prefer to have it launch in Chrome. I have Chrome Launcher installed in Kodi on both machines if that makes a difference. At any rate I've attached a link to my log. Would you be able to have a look and maybe help me out? It could be a simple missed setting, a bug or a common user error.

Loving your work, keep it up!


Messages In This Thread
RE: [RELEASE] Flix2Kodi - Just another Netflix-Addon - by theflink - 2016-02-13, 08:39
No access to TV show data - by seriousjohn - 2016-11-03, 19:01
Flix2kodi <crashed> - by Garri - 2016-01-08, 19:29
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[RELEASE] Flix2Kodi - Just another Netflix-Addon8