Release Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis)
(2016-02-18, 23:26)jspaander Wrote: hi marcel
I miss the option the change the focused color of the Text title on the tiles on the home screen in Titan for Jarvis

Hello jspaander,to change the text colour on the home tiles in Skin Settings go to Skin Settings>Custom Colour Settings>Label overlays on Posters and Thumbs text colour.

Or you could individually colour each home tile text,by using Set Label option in Configure Shortcuts and adding / editing colour codes to the label example.......

[COLOR red]Label/Tile name[/COLOR]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis) - by bazzz3 - 2016-02-19, 01:19
Link to a specific home screen? - by Hardax - 2016-03-28, 15:31
Landscape View Scrolbar - by User 206796 - 2016-09-19, 00:54
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Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis)11