iOS App Signer - Install Kodi without Jailbreak (iOS and tvOS)
Hello, Today I tried to add a Kodi Ipa that had already been installed on my iPad a month ago onto my wifes iPad. But I received the error A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.

So I then started from scratch following all the steps, clicked fix issue in Xcode etc etc. But when I run the IOS app signer I get the No code signing certificates found error.

Ive tried a few fixes found in this thread, added the appleWWDRCA.cer file. reset iOS developer in Xcode> account settings, deleted all of my mobile provisioning files in library/mobile/... But still having problems. Ive tried a few other things I managed to find on github forums and other sites but Im say a loss as to what else I can do.

Any suggestions?
Running Krypton beta3 on ATV4 networked to Win7 PC using SMB shares.

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RE: iOS App Signer - Install Kodi without Jailbreak (iOS and tvOS) - by Troyp42 - 2016-02-20, 09:30
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iOS App Signer - Install Kodi without Jailbreak (iOS and tvOS)8