Win FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement
Hi there, just found this thread and hope this may be the tool that I have been looking for!

My usage case is slightly different in that I have a Surface Pro 3 that I would love to use to control Kodi. Specifically the idea of being able to display and scroll the EPG and select a Live TV show to watch using touchscreen, same with TV show, movie library items etc.

I know there are a number of android apps that could do this if I was using an Android tablet, but I've always thought the SPro 3 to be a superior device with a nice screen size and ability to do other desktop things too. Plus I don't have an android tablet Tongue

I know this was primarily developed as a second screen app but I was wondering if this would be difficult to implement within this tool. Its just amazing how few addons there are for native windows users these days! The ultimate obviously would be being able to use a normal Kodi installation to control another running Kodi but in my looking around I have never seen such a thing can be done.

Would you consider adding EPG, media library scrolling and selection to your tool?

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RE: FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement - by ferretlegs - 2016-02-21, 07:10
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FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement3