START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated Dec 2020)
I was all set to buy a Google Nexus Player but there seems to be no way to control it with Irule (remote control app), which is how I control everything, either via IR (through itach) or HTTP/IP.

Is there anything under $100 that is Android (so I can use Moonlight app to stream games from my desktop PC in the basement), has 1080p Netflix, and has either IR or IP/TCP control? Wired ethernet port ideal.

Messages In This Thread
The right box for me - by tyem - 2016-01-13, 15:29
RE: Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated Jan. 2016) - by jubilex - 2016-02-27, 21:21
Jesus Box - by kellyvb - 2016-03-04, 20:18
Thanks for the Help! - by jmc15john - 2016-11-09, 16:44
Jarvis crashes and wipes - by gotthis2000 - 2017-01-10, 22:14
RE: Jarvis crashes and wipes - by nickr - 2017-01-10, 22:58
T95Z Plus Android TV Box - by gooner1971 - 2017-03-17, 13:04
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