Problems with Albumartist and mbid tags (Why is Kodi so unpredictable....)
(2016-02-28, 23:22)oyvindo Wrote: Ha, ha, thank you for you honesty! :-)
I think I'll stay clear of Musicbrainz.
I will investigate a bit more, but seriously - there must be some where to find an explanation for the Kodi behaviour?

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but it HAS to be some tags that you can't see. I had the EXACT same issue and I couldn't figure it out until I used musicbrainz. Then again, I'm also running windows, so who knows Rofl

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by Fail$tyle420 - 2016-02-28, 23:28
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by bry - 2016-03-02, 14:45
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by bry - 2016-03-02, 15:51
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Problems with Albumartist and mbid tags (Why is Kodi so unpredictable....)0