Problems with Albumartist and mbid tags (Why is Kodi so unpredictable....)
helta is right 100% what you want is NEVER going to happen via a web client, the Kodi interface requires a native client to be able to provide the 3D graphics for the skins and that's simple not possible via a web browser. As has been said multiple times now, the ONLY way you'll going to be able to mange Kodi with the exact same experience as it appears to your your family in the other room is to use remote desktop software, so if you can't do that with your NAS then you need to run Kodi on a device that allows you to install a desktop OS which will allow you to connect via remote desktop.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [split] Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by jjd-uk - 2016-03-04, 16:48
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by bry - 2016-03-02, 14:45
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by bry - 2016-03-02, 15:51
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Problems with Albumartist and mbid tags (Why is Kodi so unpredictable....)0