Problems with Albumartist and mbid tags (Why is Kodi so unpredictable....)
(2016-03-04, 17:49)Vidman Wrote: Have you looked into emby server for your qnap?
From what I understand it will do exactly what you want to achieve....

I have installed Emby now, and the experience is mixed - so far. I have disabled all internet scraping. Use only local media tags (ID3).
It has been scanning my library for more than 15 hours now, and still scanning. CPU load is next to nothing, but memory is 98% mostly by Mono.
While scanning, the webinterface is very little responsive. Clicking on play and it takes almost a minute before it begins to play a song.

Kodi scanned the same library in under 3 hours.....

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RE: [split] Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by oyvindo - 2016-03-05, 12:06
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by bry - 2016-03-02, 14:45
RE: Why is Kodi so unpredictable.... - by bry - 2016-03-02, 15:51
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Problems with Albumartist and mbid tags (Why is Kodi so unpredictable....)0