v17 [ALPHA] Estuary - Kodis new default skin
Hi. Very nice looking skin overall.
But there are some things I don’t like.

1. Only 11 items in the list view compared to 14 items in Confluence skin. Too much waste of space at the top and the bottom I think.



2. I prefer list view and not the tiles|extra_big_icons_view almost everywhere in the Estuary now (also in Settings screen). I hope there will be options...


3. 16/9 preview thumbnails for video files because all videos are widescreen now. Square thumbnails are ugly. And items_list on the left, thumbnails on the right side maybe...


4. Settings in the main menu.


5. More compact OSD menu.

6. We have additional osd-info (O – key), so I want to see important information there. Similar to Potplayer OSD info (Tab - key).

7. Hotkeys to open audio|subtitles list.

8. Confluence-like horizontal menu because it was awesome =)

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RE: [ALPHA] Estuary - Kodis new default skin - by Shomei - 2016-03-13, 23:23
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