[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
(2016-03-18, 09:49)ksooo Wrote: I am a Kodi developer and member of Team Kodi. For me, all this started by submitting small patches to the source code. Nobody, especially non of the settled developers, expected that my code has to be perfect in the first place. They were quite patient with me, explained things and guided me into the right direction. This way I learned a lot about the code areas I was trying to poke into and finally was able to build kind of reputation as a Kodi developer - step by step...

That's great, sounds like how it should work!

My comment was based on how it looks to me.. but if that's not the reality that's good news.

Off-topic: Is there a general overview of the KODI source beyond the old XBMC Wiki Page?

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RE: [split] /me resigning as Android maintainer - by Gothicawakening - 2016-03-18, 10:05
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