iOS App Signer - Install Kodi without Jailbreak (iOS and tvOS)
(2016-04-07, 22:44)bovice Wrote: At first my provisioning profiles showed in the App Signer app as per the instructions then began showing as only " * (NVW93XXXX)" rather that the com.Name.
Now the latest one does not show in the list at all.

I use a paid Dev account.

Any ideas?

Xcode will use a * profile if there is nothing special needed, this is the case for Kodi unless you enable the app group needed for the top shelf on Apple TV

Could you post the log for iOS App Signer? (It's in the View menu)
Install Kodi on iOS without a jailbreak: iOS App Signer — donations are gratefully accepted

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RE: iOS App Signer - Install Kodi without Jailbreak (iOS and tvOS) - by DanTheMan827 - 2016-04-07, 22:47
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