Mod Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]
(2016-04-12, 20:30)quixote23 Wrote: Awesome skin! I just installed it today but I love it so far.

Quick question... I've searched both the forum and the skin's settings, and I can't figure out how to change what I think is a fairly minor thing.

For the TV "Recently Added" widget, how do I display the main show thumb\poster and not the season thumb\poster? I know (I think) that in vanilla AZ it defaults to the show poster.

Any quick file edits I can make to accomplish this?

I think I managed to figure this out by taking a stab in the dark and deleting the following line (at line 65 in Includes_Images.xml):

Quote:<value condition="!IsEmpty(ListItem.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[ListItem.Art(season.poster)]</value>

No idea if this is the "right" way to do things but it seems like the posters have now reverted back to series posters rather than individual season posters.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Jarvis) [3.2.04 - Updated 3/26/2016] - by quixote23 - 2016-04-12, 22:46
RE: Arctic Zephyr - by faugusztin - 2016-05-20, 16:40
RE: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes - by ramin_85 - 2016-06-10, 18:57
126 mb skin? - by licnexus - 2016-07-22, 22:09
Missing Menu? - by park13 - 2016-12-31, 22:11
Random music background - by papayo29 - 2017-01-05, 15:10
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Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]7