XBMC "BACK" verses the "ESCAPE" button?
Everything is always up for discussion, though ofcourse the outcome of said discussion is not necessarily to everyone's liking. Fortunately we're completely open about what we do, and anyone at all is welcome to contribute in whatever capacity they wish.

If one is several levels deep in a directory hierarchy, there's a large benefit in being able to exit directly out to the previous screen without having to go all the way up through the hierarchy. It has the added benefit that when you return to the category you were in you stay exactly where you were last time around - no need to go all the way back down the hierarchy.

Whether this is done using the same set of keys we have at the moment is up for debate. I personally think the keys we have make some sense:

Escape: always takes you back a screen.
Backspace: always takes you up a folder. If there's no folders left it takes you back a screen.

Whether or not there's merit in "double mapping" backspace so that it doubles up on what escape does in fullscreen views is up for debate. I have no preference either way.

What I do dislike is the hack that is mapping remote control buttons to keyboard keys. This IMO is not a solution that works long term - the user should be able to map their remote keys directly as much as is feasible. Unfortunately remote control manufacturers don't tend to make this easy!

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Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-10-09, 07:18
[No subject] - by Sukebe7 - 2008-10-09, 07:26
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-10-09, 07:40
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-09, 07:47
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-10-09, 08:36
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-09, 09:44
[No subject] - by d4rk - 2008-10-09, 10:11
[No subject] - by DragonFly - 2008-10-09, 14:25
[No subject] - by Sukebe7 - 2008-10-09, 14:44
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-09, 20:54
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-09, 21:24
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-10-09, 23:35
[No subject] - by kricker - 2008-10-10, 03:44
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-10, 03:48
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-10, 03:54
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-10-10, 04:48
[No subject] - by migueld - 2008-10-10, 04:55
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-10-10, 05:17
[No subject] - by kricker - 2008-10-10, 08:09
[No subject] - by Eicar - 2008-10-10, 08:54
[No subject] - by ashlartowers - 2009-01-10, 23:04
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-01-11, 00:54
[No subject] - by ashlartowers - 2009-01-11, 00:59
[No subject] - by gstreet - 2009-01-12, 17:11
[No subject] - by Swifty - 2009-01-12, 17:59
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-01-12, 23:12
[No subject] - by CapnBry - 2009-01-12, 23:58
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-01-13, 00:40
[No subject] - by Swifty - 2009-01-13, 13:35
[No subject] - by rimmi2002 - 2009-01-13, 22:17
[No subject] - by alessio2 - 2009-01-13, 22:30
[No subject] - by mediajunki - 2009-01-16, 22:58
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-01-16, 23:02
[No subject] - by ultramagnus - 2009-01-17, 16:30
[No subject] - by ultramagnus - 2009-01-17, 19:08
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-01-18, 07:26
[No subject] - by Livin - 2009-01-18, 19:06
[No subject] - by ashlar - 2009-01-18, 19:24
[No subject] - by ErlendSB - 2009-01-18, 19:54
[No subject] - by ultramagnus - 2009-01-18, 19:57
[No subject] - by ashlar - 2009-01-18, 23:03
[No subject] - by ultramagnus - 2009-01-19, 02:25
[No subject] - by kricker - 2009-01-19, 02:45
[No subject] - by ashlar - 2009-01-19, 10:24
[No subject] - by kricker - 2009-01-19, 17:22
[No subject] - by ashlar - 2009-01-19, 18:47
[No subject] - by Dudu.exe - 2009-01-31, 07:41
[No subject] - by kricker - 2009-01-31, 18:01
[No subject] - by ashlar - 2009-02-01, 01:54
[No subject] - by timdog82001 - 2009-02-01, 02:13
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-02-01, 02:27
[No subject] - by kricker - 2009-02-01, 02:44
[No subject] - by DarkHelmet - 2009-02-17, 16:56
[No subject] - by sho - 2009-03-08, 12:58
[No subject] - by DarkHelmet - 2009-03-08, 13:06
[No subject] - by kricker - 2009-03-08, 19:07
[No subject] - by themugger - 2009-03-23, 15:35
[No subject] - by Dougie Fresh - 2009-03-23, 21:20
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-03-23, 22:45
[No subject] - by LaTropa64 - 2009-03-24, 08:45
[No subject] - by themugger - 2009-03-24, 11:19
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-03-24, 11:25
[No subject] - by themugger - 2009-03-24, 12:11
[No subject] - by rotm - 2009-07-19, 22:12
[No subject] - by Fabninja - 2009-08-27, 19:06
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XBMC "BACK" verses the "ESCAPE" button?2