Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
Changing between scope settings and 16:9 settings without using the OSD gui.
I used this method to change the scopenox settings via remote to make it wife-kids

So you can change skin settings via JSON-RPC.
Funkd, I added a few hacks to your ScopeNox skin:

I appended these lines to your file in your add on:
if sys.argv[1] == '169':
xbmc.executebuiltin('Skin.setbool (osd169)')
xbmc.executebuiltin('skin.reset (scopemask)')

if sys.argv[1] == '219':
xbmc.executebuiltin('Skin.reset (osd169)')
xbmc.executebuiltin('skin.setbool (scopemask)')

then make a json-rpc call from any browser or applications:{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.ExecuteAddon", "params": {"wait": false, "addonid": "", "params":"169"}}

or{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.ExecuteAddon", "params": {"wait": false, "addonid": "", "params":"219"}}

or you could bind the key in the keymap: in this example, I used F1, F2
<key id="61584">RunScript(,169,1)</key>
<key id="61585">RunScript(,219,1)</key>

Now if I can only find a way to adjust the absolute subtitle positions via scripting...
Changing subtitle alignment does not work. There seems to be a bug in Kodi 16.1.
You can set subtitle position to fixed and adjust it via video calibration. Once you change the
subtitle alignment: bottom of video, below video, above video, on top of video, fixed you loose
the fixed subtitle alignment. I verified this on FireTV and OSX.

Thank you again Funkd.

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RE: ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH) - by ScopeFan - 2016-05-05, 02:52
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