ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $46
I am following this thread for a whole time now, since I search a new player.
No questions for that right now, but may I could throw a little off topic question here?
Reading 10bit output every time makes me wounder ...
What does my TV need to be suitable for 10bit? Y is there a difference between h265 10bit and h264 10bit (anime)?

I was playing with the madvr on my pc a while ago. My lcd is really old (HPw2207h) but I have seen a difference between normal render and madvr.
Would there be a "improvement" for a normal fullhd tv screen to? (I don't think it really uses 10bit since it is from 2011-12)

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RE: ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $40 - by Stimmenhotel - 2016-05-14, 20:12
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ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $4610