Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server
Hi , I have the following problem and hope somebody can help me whit it.

I have managed to install Ubuntu 16.04 server on my Beelink BT3 (Intel Atom x5-Z8300) , in first it won’t boot from USB but I found out that this machine has a 32 uefi, so I copied bootia32.efi EFI/BOOT/ folder on the boot medium.

No its letting me install ubunut , when the install finished and the machine is rebooted it hangs at initial ramdisk. When I power down the machine and unplug the hdmi cabel and the power on the machine , wait for 10 second and plugin the hdmi cable is see after a while the KODI startup screen.

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Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server18