Release MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags
Hi, Xycl,

I found the strings.po in Chinese (Traditional) of myPicsDB Addon only covers 10% or less of the supposedly default English (US).

However, may be I am too new to this forum and to GitHub I can't do anything, including pulling an updated strings.po and PM you. Moreover, the posting interface here in this forum don't allow attaching the PO file. So, I paste it here to see if you may help putting it on the GitHub.

Regarding the updated strings file, I've tested it and it works ok, may be I am able to contribute more in your other projects. Believe me, I have tried using Github Console to do pulling. Couldn't make it because some restrictions on me or other issues. The GitHub "help" is not helping at all.

Well, I just installed myPicsDB a few days ago, I need to take time find out more from this Add-on first.

Best Wishes!

# Kodi Media Center language file
# Addon Name: My Pictures Database
# Addon id: plugin.image.mypicsdb
# Addon Provider: Xycl | MikeBZH44 | Alexsolex
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: XBMC Addons\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [email protected]\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

msgctxt "#30000"
msgid "MyPicture Database"
msgstr "我的圖片資料庫"

msgctxt "#30001"
msgid "Database"
msgstr "資料庫"

#Date formats : use the date formatting you found in this :

#. date format
msgctxt "#30002"
msgid "%A %d %B %Y"
msgstr "%Y %B %A %d"

#. month format
msgctxt "#30003"
msgid "%B %Y"
msgstr "%Y %B"

#. year format
msgctxt "#30004"
msgid "%Y"
msgstr "%Y"

msgctxt "#30005"
msgid "Mo.|Tu.|We.|Th.|Fr.|Sa.|Su."
msgstr "週一|週二|週三|週四|週五|週六|週日"

msgctxt "#30006"
msgid "Jan.|Feb.|Mar|Apr.|May|Jun.|Jul.|Aug.|Sep.|Oct.|Nov.|Dec."
msgstr "1月|2月|3月|4月|5月|6月|7月|8月|9月|10月|11月|12月"

msgctxt "#30007"
msgid "Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday"
msgstr "星期一|星期二|星期三|星期四|星期五|星期六|星期日"

msgctxt "#30008"
msgid "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December"
msgstr "一月|二月|三月|四月五月|六月|七月|八月|九月|十月|十一月|十二月"

msgctxt "#30009"
msgid "Add-on settings"
msgstr "附加元件設定"

#empty strings from id 30010 to 30019

msgctxt "#30020"
msgid "Picture folder"
msgstr "圖片夾"

msgctxt "#30021"
msgid "Remove from database missing pictures"
msgstr "從資料庫移除不存在的圖片"

msgctxt "#30022"
msgid "Recursive scan ( all sub-folders will be scanned for pictures )"
msgstr "遞歸掃描 (將掃描所有子目錄的圖片)"

msgctxt "#30023"
msgid "Picture extensions"
msgstr "圖片檔副檔名"

msgctxt "#30024"
msgid "Perform scan at addon startup"
msgstr "當附加元件啟動時進行掃描"

msgctxt "#30025"
msgid "Initialize the database at next addon startup"
msgstr "下次附加元件啟動時初始化資料庫"

#. setting
msgctxt "#30026"
msgid "Use the picture as fanart for pictures"
msgstr "用其中一張圖片作為圖片集的背景圖"

msgctxt "#30027"
msgid "Settings for the dialog scan popup"
msgstr "掃描對話方塊設定"

msgctxt "#30028"
msgid "Video extensions"
msgstr "影片檔副檔名"

msgctxt "#30029"
msgid "Use the videos"
msgstr "啟用影片檔"

msgctxt "#30030"
msgid "General"
msgstr "一般設定"

msgctxt "#30031"
msgid "Files"
msgstr "檔案"

msgctxt "#30032"
msgid "Age of recent files (days)"
msgstr "最新加入定義 (日數)"

msgctxt "#30033"
msgid "Menu Items"
msgstr "功能表項目"

msgctxt "#30034"
msgid "Display all items"
msgstr "顯示所有項目"

msgctxt "#30035"
msgid "Number of pics per page"
msgstr "每頁顯示圖片數量"

#empty strings from id 30036 to 30039

msgctxt "#30040"
msgid "Only display pictures with rating of at least"
msgstr "僅顯示評分不指定分數的圖片"

msgctxt "#30041"
msgid "All"
msgstr "全部"

msgctxt "#30042"
msgid "1 star"
msgstr "一星"

msgctxt "#30043"
msgid "2 stars"
msgstr "二星"

msgctxt "#30044"
msgid "3 stars"
msgstr "三星"

msgctxt "#30045"
msgid "4 stars"
msgstr "四星"

msgctxt "#30046"
msgid "5 stars"
msgstr "五星"

#empty strings from id 30047 to 30049

msgctxt "#30050"
msgid "Pics"
msgstr "圖片"

msgctxt "#30051"
msgid "Videos"
msgstr "影片"

msgctxt "#30052"
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "標籤"

msgctxt "#30053"
msgid "Excluded Files"
msgstr "要排除的檔案"

msgctxt "#30054"
msgid "Images without a date (%s pics)"
msgstr "沒有日期的圖像 (%s 張)"

#empty strings from id 30055 to 30059

msgctxt "#30060"
msgid "Locate on disk"
msgstr "在磁碟找尋"

msgctxt "#30061"
msgid "Archive those pictures"
msgstr "把這些圖片封存"

msgctxt "#30062"
msgid "Export those pictures to..."
msgstr "匯出這些圖片至 ..."

msgctxt "#30063"
msgid "Add the file to archive :"
msgstr "新增檔案至封存區:"

#. %s will be replaced by the name of the archive
msgctxt "#30064"
msgid "The archive '%s' already exists in"
msgstr "封存檔 '%s'  已存在"

msgctxt "#30065"
msgid "Overwrite ?"
msgstr "要覆蓋嗎?"

msgctxt "#30066"
msgid "Archive canceled."
msgstr "已取消封存"

msgctxt "#30067"
msgid "Adding the picture to archive..."
msgstr "正新增檔案至封存區 ..."

msgctxt "#30068"
msgid "The archiving has been canceled !"
msgstr "封存程序已被取消!"

#. %s errors while zipping %s files
msgctxt "#30069"
msgid "%s errors while archiving %s files"
msgstr "出現了 %s 錯誤,在封存 %s 個檔案期間"

#. %s files successfully Zipped !!
msgctxt "#30070"
msgid "%s pictures successfully archived !!"
msgstr "已成功封存了 %s 張圖片!"

msgctxt "#30071"
msgid "Localization of the picture on disk"
msgstr "本地花磁碟上的圖片"

#empty strings from id 30072 to 30097

msgctxt "#30098"
msgid "Global search"
msgstr "全域搜索"

msgctxt "#30099"
msgid "Paths of picture folders"
msgstr "圖片夾的途徑"

msgctxt "#30100"
msgid "All images %s (%s pics)"
msgstr "全部 %s 個圖像 (%s 張圖片)"

msgctxt "#30101"
msgid "Browse by Date"
msgstr "按日期瀏覽"

msgctxt "#30102"
msgid "Browse by Folders"
msgstr "按資料夾瀏覽"

#empty strings from id 30103 to 30104

msgctxt "#30105"
msgid "Date ranges"
msgstr "日期範圍"

msgctxt "#30106"
msgid "Add a new date range"
msgstr "新增一個日期範圍"

msgctxt "#30107"
msgid "Choose the start date"
msgstr ""

msgctxt "#30108"
msgid "Choose the end date"
msgstr "選擇結束日期"

msgctxt "#30109"
msgid "Pics from %s to %s"
msgstr "由 %s 至 %s 的圖片"

msgctxt "#30110"
msgid "Input a title for this date range :"
msgstr "為日期範圍命名"

msgctxt "#30111"
msgid "Delete this date range"
msgstr "刪除此日期範圍"

msgctxt "#30112"
msgid "Rename this date range"
msgstr "重新命名日期範圍"

msgctxt "#30113"
msgid "From %s to %s"
msgstr "由 %s 至 %s"

msgctxt "#30114"
msgid "Input manually date"
msgstr "輸入日期範圍"

msgctxt "#30115"
msgid "Word to search for"
msgstr "要搜尋的文字"

#. %s replaced respectively by : number of results, searched term, field where found
msgctxt "#30116"
msgid "%s results for '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr "有 %s 個吻合 '%s' 的結果,在 '%s' 個檔案內"

msgctxt "#30117"
msgid "Start date of the date range"
msgstr "日期範圍的起始日"

msgctxt "#30118"
msgid "End date of the date range"
msgstr "日期範圍的結束日"

#. %s replaced by searched term
msgctxt "#30119"
msgid "The search for '%s' did not match in the whole database"
msgstr "此資料庫內並沒有吻合 '%s' 的圖片"

msgctxt "#30120"
msgid "New global search"
msgstr "新增全域搜索"

msgctxt "#30121"
msgid "Stored search words"
msgstr "著儲存搜索文字"

msgctxt "#30122"
msgid "Browse by Tags"
msgstr "按標籤瀏覽"

msgctxt "#30123"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "說明"

#empty strings from id 30124 to 30129

msgctxt "#30130"
msgid "The %s latest pics"
msgstr "%s 的最新圖片"

msgctxt "#30131"
msgid "Recent pics (number of images)"
msgstr "最近加入圖片 (張數)"

msgctxt "#30132"
msgid "Random pics (number of images)"
msgstr "隨機圖片 (張數)"

#empty strings from id 30133 to 30147

msgctxt "#30148"
msgid "Choose a music playlist"
msgstr "選擇音樂播放表"

msgctxt "#30149"
msgid "Add playlist to collection"
msgstr "新增播放表到圖片集"

msgctxt "#30150"
msgid "Collections"
msgstr "圖片集"

msgctxt "#30151"
msgid "Remove from the collection"
msgstr "從圖片集中移除"

msgctxt "#30152"
msgid "Add to collection..."
msgstr "新增至圖片集 ..."

msgctxt "#30153"
msgid "Input a new title"
msgstr "輸入新的標題"

msgctxt "#30154"
msgid "Picture added in"
msgstr "圖片已新增至 ..."

msgctxt "#30155"
msgid "Input a title for the new collection"
msgstr "輸入新增圖片集的標題"

msgctxt "#30156"
msgid "Choose a collection"
msgstr "選擇新增"

msgctxt "#30157"
msgid "New collection"
msgstr "新增圖片集"

msgctxt "#30158"
msgid "Remove this collection"
msgstr "移除這個圖片集"

msgctxt "#30159"
msgid "Rename this collection"
msgstr "重新命名這個圖片集"

msgctxt "#30160"
msgid "Create a new collection"
msgstr "建立圖片集"

#. %s replaced by the number of pictures added
msgctxt "#30161"
msgid "%s pictures added in"
msgstr "已加入了 %s 張圖片"

msgctxt "#30162"
msgid "Import album from Picasa xml"
msgstr "從 Picasa xml 檔匯入相簿"

msgctxt "#30163"
msgid "Unable to read Picasa xml"
msgstr "無法讀取 Picasa xml 檔"

msgctxt "#30164"
msgid "Specify date range"
msgstr "指定日期範圍"

msgctxt "#30165"
msgid "Following files are missing in MyPicsDB and could not be imported:[CR][CR]"
msgstr "MyPicsDB 資料庫內沒有以下檔案,故無法匯入:[CR][CR]"

msgctxt "#30166"
msgid "Picture \"%s\" in \"%s\"[CR]"
msgstr "圖片 \"%s\" 在 \"%s\"[CR]"

msgctxt "#30167"
msgid "Import errors"
msgstr "匯入錯誤"

msgctxt "#30168"
msgid "Import album from saved filter settings"
msgstr "從已儲存的過濾條件匯入相簿"

msgctxt "#30169"
msgid "Show pictures"
msgstr "顯示圖片"

#empty strings from id 30170 to 30179

msgctxt "#30180"
msgid "Choose the destination for the export"
msgstr "選擇匯出目的資料夾"

msgctxt "#30181"
msgid "Do you want to create a folder to export pictures ?"
msgstr "要新增用作匯出圖片目的資料夾嗎?"

msgctxt "#30182"
msgid "Input the folder name"
msgstr "輸入資料夾名稱"

msgctxt "#30183"
msgid "picture export canceled !"
msgstr "已取消匯出圖片!"

msgctxt "#30184"
msgid "Picture exporting..."
msgstr "正匯出圖片 ..."

#. %s replaced by the filename that is beeing copied
msgctxt "#30185"
msgid "Exporting '%s' to :"
msgstr "正匯出 '%s' 至:"

#. %s replaced by the filename that is beeing copied
msgctxt "#30186"
msgid "a file '%s' already exists"
msgstr "已有一個 '%s' 檔案存在"

msgctxt "#30187"
msgid "Overwrite ?"
msgstr "要覆蓋它嗎?"

msgctxt "#30188"
msgid "Export finished !"
msgstr "已完成匯出程序"

#. %s[number of files] copied to %s[distination folder]
msgctxt "#30189"
msgid "%s pictures copied to %s"
msgstr "已複製了 %s 張圖片到 %s"

msgctxt "#30190"
msgid "Exported pictures"
msgstr "已匯出的圖片"

#empty strings from id 30191 to 30200

msgctxt "#30201"
msgid "Folder to scan"
msgstr "要掃描的資料夾"

msgctxt "#30202"
msgid "Browse this folder recursively"
msgstr "重覆瀏覽這個資料夾"

msgctxt "#30203"
msgid "Delete the database entries if picture does not exists anymore"
msgstr "如果圖片不再存在,刪除有關圖片的資訊"

msgctxt "#30204"
msgid "Path added !"
msgstr "而新增途徑"

msgctxt "#30205"
msgid "Path deleted !"
msgstr "而刪除途徑"

msgctxt "#30206"
msgid "Do a scan now"
msgstr "現在進行掃描"

msgctxt "#30207"
msgid "Delete this path from database"
msgstr "從資料庫刪除此途徑"

msgctxt "#30208"
msgid "[B]Add[/B] a path to database"
msgstr "[B]新增[/B] 途徑至資料庫"

msgctxt "#30209"
msgid "Uploads from last %s days"
msgstr "上傳最近 %s 日的圖片"

msgctxt "#30210"
msgid "Remove this path from excluded"
msgstr "從排除清單內刪除此途徑"

msgctxt "#30211"
msgid "Add a folder to [B]exclude[/B]"
msgstr "新增資料夾到[B]排除[/B]清單"

msgctxt "#30212"
msgid "Exclude this folder from database"
msgstr "從資料庫內排除除此資料夾"

msgctxt "#30213"
msgid "Search for new & changed pictures"
msgstr "搜尋新增及剛修改過的圖片"

msgctxt "#30214"
msgid "Yes = scan all pictures."
msgstr "是 = 掃描所有圖片。"

msgctxt "#30215"
msgid "No = scan only modified/new pictures."
msgstr "否 = 僅掃描已修改及新增的圖片。"

msgctxt "#30216"
msgid "[B]Add[/B] all Kodi pictures sources to database"
msgstr "[B]新增[/B]所有 Kodi 圖片資源到資料庫"

msgctxt "#30217"
msgid "You must rescan the folders"
msgstr "您必須重新掃描資料夾"

msgctxt "#30218"
msgid "to exclude the pictures!"
msgstr "來排除您指定的圖片"

#empty string with id 30219

msgctxt "#30220"
msgid "Google Map"
msgstr "Google 地圖"

#. %0.2f%% will be replaced by the percent of download for a map
msgctxt "#30221"
msgid "Fetching the map... (%0.2f%%)"
msgstr "正提取有關地圖 ... (%0.2f%%)"

#. %s will be replaced by the zoom level in a map
msgctxt "#30222"
msgid "Zoom=%s"
msgstr "放大=%s"

msgctxt "#30223"
msgid "Use up / down arrows to zoom in / out"
msgstr "使用 上/下 箭咀來 縮細/放大"

msgctxt "#30224"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "關閉"

msgctxt "#30225"
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "放大"

msgctxt "#30226"
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "縮細"

#empty strings from id 30227 to 30240

msgctxt "#30241"
msgid "preparing"
msgstr "準備中"

msgctxt "#30242"
msgid "refreshing"
msgstr "整理中"

msgctxt "#30243"
msgid "passing"
msgstr "進行中"

msgctxt "#30244"
msgid "adding"
msgstr "新增中"

msgctxt "#30245"
msgid "re-scan"
msgstr "重新掃描"

msgctxt "#30246"
msgid "deleting"
msgstr "刪除中"

msgctxt "#30247"
msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr "請稍候 ..."

#. %s respectively changed by number : scanned, added, deleted, modified
msgctxt "#30248"
msgid "%s scanned / %s added / %s deleted / %s modified"
msgstr "已掃描 %s 張 / 已新增 %s 張 / 已刪除 %s 張 / 已修改 %s 張"

msgctxt "#30249"
msgid "Search for new pictures"
msgstr "搜尋新增圖片"

msgctxt "#30250"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "您確定嗎?"

msgctxt "#30251"
msgid "Delete \"%s\""
msgstr "刪除 \"%s\"

#empty strings from id 30252 to 30299

msgctxt "#30300"
msgid "file name"
msgstr "檔案名稱"

msgctxt "#30301"
msgid "path"
msgstr "途徑"

msgctxt "#30302"
msgid "path (thumbnail)"
msgstr "途徑 (縮圖)"

msgctxt "#30303"
msgid "Show the slideshow"
msgstr "顯示投影片"

#empty strings from id 30304 to 30599

msgctxt "#30600"
msgid "Filter Wizard"
msgstr "過濾精靈"

msgctxt "#30601"
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "標籤"

msgctxt "#30602"
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "內容"

#empty strings from id 30603 to 30606

msgctxt "#30607"
msgid "Last used filter"
msgstr "上次使用的過濾器"

msgctxt "#30608"
msgid "Select filter"
msgstr "選取過濾器"

msgctxt "#30609"
msgid "Enter filter name"
msgstr "輸入過濾器名稱"

msgctxt "#30610"
msgid "Please select tags (red checkbox means \"not\")"
msgstr "請選擇標籤 (紅色的核選方塊代表 \"不含\"))"

msgctxt "#30611"
msgid "1 tag checked"
msgstr "已核選了 1 個標籤"

msgctxt "#30612"
msgid "%s tags checked"
msgstr "已核選了 %s 個標籤 "

msgctxt "#30613"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "確定"

msgctxt "#30614"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"

msgctxt "#30615"
msgid "Match all tags"
msgstr "符合所有標籤"

msgctxt "#30616"
msgid "Load"
msgstr "載入"

msgctxt "#30617"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "儲存"

msgctxt "#30618"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "重置"

msgctxt "#30619"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "刪除"

msgctxt "#30620"
msgid "Translate your tags"
msgstr "翻譯您的標籤"

msgctxt "#30621"
msgid "Close Editor"
msgstr "關閉編輯器"

msgctxt "#30622"
msgid "Leave translation empty to hide tag type in MyPicsDB"
msgstr "空置編輯器以從 MyPicsDB 隱藏標籤類別"

msgctxt "#30623"
msgid "Translation for %s"
msgstr "%s 的翻譯"

#empty strings from id 30624 to 30649

msgctxt "#30650"
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "測錯程序"

msgctxt "#30651"
msgid "Enable debugging (regardless of Kodi settings)"
msgstr "啟用測錯程序 (忽略 Kodi 的系統設定)"

msgctxt "#30652"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "過濾器:"

msgctxt "#30653"
msgid "New Filter"
msgstr "新增過濾器"

msgctxt "#30654"
msgid "Show %s random pictures"
msgstr "顯示 %s 隨機圖片"

msgctxt "#30655"
msgid "Saved filter wizard settings"
msgstr "已儲存的過濾精靈設定"

#empty strings from id 30656 to 30659

msgctxt "#30660"
msgid "Database Settings"
msgstr "資料庫設定"

msgctxt "#30661"
msgid "Database Backend"
msgstr "後端資料庫"

msgctxt "#30662"
msgid "Sqlite"
msgstr "Sqlite"

msgctxt "#30663"
msgid "MySql"
msgstr "MySql"

msgctxt "#30664"
msgid "User"
msgstr "用戶"

msgctxt "#30665"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密碼"

msgctxt "#30666"
msgid "IP-Address or Name"
msgstr "網址或名稱"

msgctxt "#30667"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "通訊埠"

msgctxt "#30668"
msgid "MySql DB Name"
msgstr "MySql 資料庫名稱"

msgctxt "#30669"
msgid "Sqlite DB Name"
msgstr "Sqlite 資料庫名稱"

#empty strings from id 30670 to 30699

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30700"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "國家"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30701"
msgid "Country Code"
msgstr "國家碼"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30702"
msgid "State"
msgstr "省份"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30703"
msgid "City"
msgstr "城市"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30704"
msgid "Location"
msgstr "位置"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30705"
msgid "Event"
msgstr "事件"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30706"
msgid "Date Added"
msgstr "加入日期"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30707"
msgid "Date Created"
msgstr "創建日期"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30708"
msgid "Date/Time Created"
msgstr "創建日期及時間"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30709"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30710"
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "主旨"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30711"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "標題"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30712"
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "創建者"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30713"
msgid "Creator Title"
msgstr "創建者稱謂"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30714"
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "版權"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30715"
msgid "Label"
msgstr "標緻"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30716"
msgid "Image Rating"
msgstr "圖像評分"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30717"
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "關鍵詞"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30718"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "類別"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30719"
msgid "Supplemental Category"
msgstr "補充類別"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30720"
msgid "Person"
msgstr "人仕"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30721"
msgid "Image Width"
msgstr "圖像闊度"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30722"
msgid "Image Length"
msgstr "圖像長度"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30723"
msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "方向"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30724"
msgid "Flash"
msgstr "閃光燈"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30725"
msgid "Image Model"
msgstr "圖像模組"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30726"
msgid "Image Make"
msgstr "圖像結構"

# tag type translation
msgctxt "#30727"
msgid "Image Artist"
msgstr "圖像藝術師"

Messages In This Thread
Beta Testers needed - by Xycl - 2012-11-06, 12:14
Filter / TAG Question ? - by knutklo - 2015-04-07, 16:38
RE: [RELEASE] MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags - by wstephen - 2016-05-26, 19:19
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