Android HiMedia Q5/Q10 Pro (2016) with Kodi (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio)
Hi All,

I'd like to buy a media player so I have started to read AVS Forum and Kodi Forum 3 weeks ago to find for me the best player. But I cannot see the light in the tunnel...I lost my mind...:-)
My conclusion: new player came out with bugs and pre-alfa version softwares so you should wait months to use all of functions and can use stable. Old stable player cannot play 4k datas so long term (2-3 years) not good to buy an older techology (or not available e.g. Popcorn A410 pro, I have red good opinions about this).

I'd like to play generally 2d 1080p mkv files with external srt files, some times mkv 3d movies, 4k is a nice to have option because of future, jukebox would be also nice.

I have a Panasonic PT-AT 6000 3D projector and a Marantz SR 4002 and actually I play the files from my Nas with my Asus Media Pro player. (Asus conected to Marantz with Hdmi cable).
The most important is for me the PQ because of 100" screen size and stable work.

Could you suggest a media player for me?

Thanks in advance for your feed back and for any opinions. (and sorry because of my English).

Messages In This Thread
HD Audio Problems with Q10 Pro - by BigPines - 2016-04-18, 18:34
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HiMedia Q5/Q10 Pro (2016) with Kodi (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio)8