NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)
Hi Guys,
i have a small (big?) problem with sound using passthrough in Kodi.
my setup is: nVidia shield + LG PK950 + Yamaha amplifier
my connection is Shield >>> (HDMI) >> TV >> (SPDIF - sound only) >> Yamaha
dont ask why - my amplifier has a problem with signal at 1080p60 and sound (screen is disapiring for few seconds), so i conntect my devices directly to TV, and sound (by SPDIF) directly to amplifier. it works.

but Shield has no SPDIF connector, so i connect it to TV, and from TV (only by SPDIF) to amplifier. all works.

problem is, that i have only 2ch sound. I switch on the passthrough and it almost works. i say almost, because sometimes (almost always) after few minutes, something is going wrong - sound disappear and sound starts to be constant noise (like no signal in old TV). sometimes its enough to stop movie and start again, but sometimes not - then i have to turn off passthrough (it always is ok). sometimes i can see whole movie with no problems (with passthrough). do you have any idea, what i have to do?

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RE: 64bit XBMC - by nickr - 2015-12-30, 12:08
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RE: NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box) - by Zagenator - 2016-06-01, 23:40
Wierd artifact appearing - by foghat - 2016-12-09, 03:28
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NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)9