Release WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state
Having some problems; please see below.

Kodi v16.0 (20160220)
Windows 10
WatchedList v1.1.1

1) First, I attempted the Dropbox setup. I enabled Dropbox synchronization. When I clicked on the Dropbox Auth Code field to enter my code, I immediately got the following error (and no input popup window):

Dropbox API Error
Check the log for more information.

The following error message was in the log:

Error Contents: (2, 'No such file or directory', u'C:\Users\blang\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\script.module.dropbox\dropbox-auth-qr-code.png')

That error is quite concerning. Makes me feel like the add-on wasn't installed properly?? Sure enough, the only folder in my addon_data directory is skin.confluence. Thoughts on that?

2) Since I was originally planning on going the MySQL route, I quickly abandoned the Dropbox option. I configured WatchedList to write to MySQL and it connected and built the tables with no issues. When I manually executed, I got a bunch of "0 watched" notifications. This is the log:

22:56:25 T:11816  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: WatchedList Database Service starting...
22:57:03 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Update Library Manual Run.
22:57:03 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. WatchedList: 0 movies and 0 episodes read from WL.
22:57:03 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. WatchedList: 0 movies and 0 episodes read from Kodi-DB.
22:57:04 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. Addon movie database: 0 watched new. 0 updated
22:57:04 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. Addon episode database: 0 watched new. 0 updated
22:57:04 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. Kodi-movie database: 0 movies marked as watched
22:57:05 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. Kodi-episode database: 0 episodes marked as watched
22:57:05 T:4684  NOTICE: service.watchedlist: Notification. WatchedList: update complete.

I'm currently running a MySQL setup as a shared library ( Is it safe to assume that this is my problem? Does your add-on support exporting watched statuses from a shared MySQL library?

The whole reason why I want to use your add-on is that I want to create a brand new MySQL database library for Kodi. I want to start with a fresh library, but I want to keep my watched statuses (of which there are many). So my plan was to export my watched statuses from the existing MySQL database library, create a new library on my new dedicated SQL server, then import all the watched statuses with your add-on.

Thanks for the help!

Messages In This Thread
RE: WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state - by blangsozo - 2016-06-09, 07:06
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