v17 Music Library Improvements - Krypton
OK just scanning tags, no scraping...

The compilation "Armageddon: The Album" has a track with
artist = "Journey feat. Steve Auger"
It should also have
Musicbrainz artist id = abd506e1-6f2b-4d6f-b937-92c267f6f88b; 24e6290c-8e4d-469f-9f89-0527118ef659
the values for Journey and Steve in order.

Does it? I have to wonder if the mbids are the other way round somehow, did you do any editing? Please check this file.

Then again you ended up with multiple "Journey"entries before you include the compilation, I think. Could you go back to just loading the albums with "Journey" as the album artist, no compilation albums, and see what happens. let me have that db please.

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RE: TESTERS WANTED: Krypton 17 Music Library Improvements - by DaveBlake - 2016-06-10, 17:02
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Music Library Improvements - Krypton1