v17 Music Library Improvements - Krypton
You should be able to get art for the popular "Journey" at least, but the servers are a little broken at the moment.

Meanwhile I just looked at Picard and it returned correctly matching names and mbids for "Armageddon: The Album", the mbids in the opposite order to what you had on your screen shot.
abd506e1-6f2b-4d6f-b937-92c267f6f88b; 24e6290c-8e4d-469f-9f89-0527118ef659

So I have to conclude the error is in your tagging.... sorry.
Any idea how those mbids got reversed?

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RE: TESTERS WANTED: Krypton 17 Music Library Improvements - by DaveBlake - 2016-06-10, 17:31
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Music Library Improvements - Krypton1