[T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control
Thank you guys.
I can't order from Amazon because it doesn't deliver to Russia, but AliExpress has some very similar variants (I think they're the same). I would buy one with microphone built-in.
Jeffers24, why I asking to test because I have had another remote with strange key behavior - part of them responded immediately after sleep, but another part took first press on waking up, and only second press leaded to action.
But if you guys tell that there is no problem, I think the risk is justified. It would be awesome remote after all!

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RE: [T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control - by bam80 - 2016-06-27, 20:34
power button - by thenry - 2017-03-26, 14:43
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[T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control3