Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU)
Only on windows with krypton v17.

On linux there is currently no ffmpeg hevc 10 bit support and so that's not possible.

It only works on some AMLogic devices which do their own thing.

Edit: Skylake has _no_ hevc 10 bit support in hardware. There exists a GPU supported driver in windows only, which only works for 1080p max - so totally worthless for 4k 10 bit content. This is btw. the major reason why no one in this forums suggests spending a lot of money on skylake nucs as they are in no way future proof cause of this shortcoming.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU) - by fritsch - 2016-07-17, 08:51
Skylake-U lineup - by oWarchild - 2015-08-12, 15:09
#Skylake NUCs coming soon - by omnium - 2015-11-02, 13:13
Intel NUC - SkyLake - by _Spook_ - 2016-01-28, 13:47
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Intel NUC - Skylake (6th Generation CPU)1