Mod Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]
A Few Notable Updates...

I know many of you are anxiously awaiting the release of the Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Danvers Preview) for Krypton and I don't blame you because Krypton has a "smoothness" that I have heard described for a long time that no one can seem to put their finger on. I made a few critical decisions yesterday so that the first release of the Danvers Preview gets into your hands before the end of this month.

The first of those decisions: the Home Screen Icons for the Horizontal Menu (current default) will be disabled permanently in Jarvis and temporarily in the Krypton release preview until everything is reorganized.

The second decision: the Anniversary Home Screen (the new default if everyone likes it) will not be included until later in the Danvers' Preview. Don't worry, for those of you who prefer the classic current horizontal layout, a simple button will toggle the two views but I have a feeling that hopefully everyone likes the new home screen.

The third decision: the updated font resources intended to support the Anniversary Home Screen will be implemented globally and we'll fine-tune that as progress through suggestions and ideas. The skin will be slightly larger than normal during this time as the classic fonts will remain until everything is moved over.

Finally, the fourth decision: @minus0 has been working extremely hard on the new settings page for the Krypton release. It's not done which means items are obviously not going to all work as intended but to get AZ:FA on Krypton out the door it will be a work-in-progress. I have a feeling you'll like a lot of the new design elements it brings; from the preview images I have seen I know I do.

So, to stick with the original plan: unless you find some completely breaking bug in AZ:FA on Jarvis the next update will be the end of the line for the Jarvis releases as originally intended and all efforts will be put forth to Krypton.
Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes
The New Arctic Zephyr: Exploded Experience for Kodi Jarvis
Arctic Zephyr: Generations - Coming Soon

Messages In This Thread
RE: Arctic Zephyr - by faugusztin - 2016-05-20, 16:40
RE: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes - by ramin_85 - 2016-06-10, 18:57
RE: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Jarvis / Krypton - Jarvis Rollup) [3.2.21 / 4.0.01] - by Guardian Hope - 2016-07-21, 13:43
126 mb skin? - by licnexus - 2016-07-22, 22:09
Missing Menu? - by park13 - 2016-12-31, 22:11
Random music background - by papayo29 - 2017-01-05, 15:10
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Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]7