ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $46
Serious question, is the Heatsink too Hot to touch ?

Is the C2 being CPU throttled due to some sort of temperature problem ?

Does the device crash all the time when left on 24/7 ?

If none of this is happening then what is this compulsive obsession with temps ? Wink

Have you looked at the OSD codec window to make sure you are hardware decoding (ie dc:am-mpeg2 dc:am-264) ?
mpeg2 Software decoding (dc:ff-mpeg2) will put more load on the CPU and produce more heat.

Have you ripped off the heatsink and pointed an IR gun at the SoC to accurately measure the temps ?

Last time someone measured, using an IR gun it was overreading by 7-10 degrees C.
I'm contemplating ripping out the erroneous temp readout for LibreELEC as its causing so much grief and now costing users more money chasing different cases and cooling methods which I think are unnecessary.

Around 70 degrees C seems normal.


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RE: ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $40 - by wrxtasy - 2016-07-28, 03:49
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ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $4610