Mod Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]
Hey Guardian Hope, Thanks for your continued efforts and support on this great skin! I've been out of the loop for a while as I'm currently on holiday, I tried out the danvers preview last night, nothing to report in terms of bugs but I didn't test it thoroughly. Great news that the music osd and menu is going to get an overhaul! For me personally I would prefer to see a hand written cdr when no cdart is available similar to Aeon Nox: SilVo. I've made a mock-up of the type of thing I'd lke to see on the osd, let me know if I can be of any help!


Sent from my LG-H815

Messages In This Thread
RE: Arctic Zephyr - by faugusztin - 2016-05-20, 16:40
RE: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes - by ramin_85 - 2016-06-10, 18:57
126 mb skin? - by licnexus - 2016-07-22, 22:09
RE: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Jarvis / Krypton Fixed) [3.2.21 / 4.2.20-alpha2] - by Habitual_Sinner - 2016-08-07, 13:09
Missing Menu? - by park13 - 2016-12-31, 22:11
Random music background - by papayo29 - 2017-01-05, 15:10
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Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]7