Budget AMLogic S9xx Media Player Options
Pfff, so many choices!

Planning on upgrading my old HTPC (kodibuntu) with a small (android)player, only thing i'm interested in is movie/series playback with DD5.1/DTS/DTS-HD HDMI-Passthrough etc..

Everytime i think i've found the right box...i see another review...and another "there's new sh*t coming!" post Smile
(how am i ever going to explain to my GF why i keep spending money Wink )

At first i was looking at a NUC but that's a lotta money for just watching movies/series (we don't do 3D, we don't do gaming).

The Nexbox A1 looks interesting, maybe i'll wait for that 1.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Budget AML S905 Boxes Shootout! - by 808? - 2016-06-14, 07:02
RE: Budget AML S905 Media Player Options - by tmaniac84 - 2016-08-10, 09:43
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