Mod Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]
(2016-08-24, 02:14)minus0 Wrote: @jynxy

The keyboard input in color picker has been fixed. It's in the next update. Also, Guardian Hope and I have talked about making color themes for AZ: FA. They just aren't a priority right now. I have thought about putting in the ability to change the Dialog panel backgrounds and the borders, but again it's not a high priority. Been working on converting all the old Dialogs over to the new ones.

On the color picker, I wanted to not have it go to a separate window. Wanted to stay in same window as SkinSettings. If more people would like it back to a separate window, that can be done. I am opened to suggestions.


Sent from my SM-T550

Indeed, there's a significant number of changes in the Alpha 6 Update for Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes but the Alpha 6 Update won't be released until the end of the week.

@minus0 and I have talked about what we want to achieve - what objectives to reach for during the Danvers Preview and this is what we're really looking at doing:

1. Danvers Home Screen Design
2. Danvers Info Screen Design
3. Fix the Music Hub
4. Cleanup and Modularize the Skin Code (AZ:E was a mess everyone and AZ:FA inherited that mess)
5. Get Runtime Displaying Again as HH:MM
6. Implement Rating Stars
7. Redesign either OSD or and OSD controls
8. Make color themes
9. Rework widgets
10. Implement transparency levels to home screen and Dialogs
12. Waiting for your new home screen layout for any other redesigns
13. Provide the "White" Color Option Equal Advertisement

Now, that's 13 objectives. This isn't going to happen overnight. This is going to happen through a series of Alphas, Betas, and Release Candidates. AZ:FA Danvers is the biggest change to AZ:FA since AZ:E became AZ:FA. We've been "shotgunning" releases at an unprecedented pace and @minus0 and I have had a chat about slowing down. It's not like Krypton is out to the masses yet and the skin is running on it minus the bugs you'd expect from a preview.

Suggestions and ideas are always welcomed as @minus0 stated but these 13 objectives is what we're looking at for Danvers.

Alpha 6 hasn't even been tested yet and chances are, it's not going to get tested before it's released. We're going to have to rely on feedback of what's broken and what's not from you all and ourselves when the skin is auto-updated.

Time is the pressure cooker here. There's a lot to do and not enough time to do it in. Things will break from release to release until we get to the Release Candidate stage (the startup window even says that). Also, nothing is really final until we hit the Release Candidate stage.
Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes
The New Arctic Zephyr: Exploded Experience for Kodi Jarvis
Arctic Zephyr: Generations - Coming Soon

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Missing Menu? - by park13 - 2016-12-31, 22:11
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Arctic Zephyr: Generations (Jarvis / Leia) [3.4.70 / Coming Soon]7