NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)
I know Krypton is in Beta and not final for some time yet, but the AFTV and Shield should not feel like the odd man out. Deinterlacing on AMLogic is now a complete mess as well on Krypton Beta, forget about trying to view 1080i H264.
This is coming from a platform with very good Hardware deinterlacing when using Kodi Jarvis. Sad

Yes as you have said PVR functionality is a Core feature of Kodi. It either works or Kodi devs should rip it out and be done with it !

Messages In This Thread
RE: 64bit XBMC - by nickr - 2015-12-30, 12:08
RE: 64bit XBMC - by Dark_Slayer - 2015-12-30, 21:03
RE: 64bit XBMC - by nickr - 2015-12-30, 23:56
RE: NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box) - by wrxtasy - 2016-09-12, 16:01
Wierd artifact appearing - by foghat - 2016-12-09, 03:28
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NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)9