can xbmc play ISO DVD movies with menu?
I can reproduce ISO DVD, in fact, that's one of the things I like most of XBMC.

Just add folder source of your ISO files, then select any iso and hit Enter. To go to the DVD menu, once it is playing, just hit Enter again and a bar should appear in the bottom of the screen. There you will see the player options (play, stop, ff, rewind) and at the right of those buttons are the options for DVD, and the last one gives you access to the DVD menu.

About the cover art, just add source for your movies, set content to "movies" on the source and then right click on the source and select "scan to library" (or something like that, I can't remember the exact menu name).

Hope this helps,

Good luck

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by tebicenter - 2008-11-08, 04:53
[No subject] - by slippy - 2008-11-08, 06:19
[No subject] - by dhrandy - 2008-11-08, 06:31
[No subject] - by nu1mlock - 2008-11-08, 11:18
[No subject] - by slippy - 2008-11-08, 19:03
[No subject] - by nu1mlock - 2008-11-08, 19:56
[No subject] - by slippy - 2008-11-08, 19:57
[No subject] - by nu1mlock - 2008-11-08, 20:27
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can xbmc play ISO DVD movies with menu?0