Win FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement
(2016-09-16, 11:06)tehax Wrote: Main Display runs at 3840x2160 with DPI 300%. The second screen runs as enhanced screen.
If i open frontview on desktop i see only the tray icon not the program window. Only if i switch to Desktop 1i see the program window again. Switching back to enhanced the windows move to second screen


It's probably the dpi of 300 and the enhanced 2nd screen aspect
Drop the dpi to 100 and see what text looks like - presume it fixes ?
Change to extend desktop to this screen (for 2nd screen)

The logs:
Show you have 6 display/monitors - and that likely is causing the issues.
Either you have 6 connected monitors - or this is part of Windows Enhanced virtual desktops

Remove the virtual desktops and I suspect all will be good. (if that is your preference)
Will have a look at options of supporting but no promises

Further Log reading:
As a last effort other than ditching virtual desktops - could turn on ForceResolution
In Settings.xml - change to true.


Sent from my iPhone

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FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement - by GlennNZ - 2016-09-16, 11:10
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