Win FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement
(2016-09-16, 21:22)allanmb Wrote: 1) Yes it is only a few seconds but I've disabled windows logo, spinning circles, login screen etc. I guess I could take a look at the source and see if I could add in the option easily.

All working grand on this front now :-) My only problem is that the taskbar is drawn over the FrontView+ window sometimes :-(

See - 1.200 for a Frontview.exe nosplashscreen commandline option to disable the splashscreen (wasn't possible to skin it given how early is used)

Taskbar - sounds like a taskbar issue to me - can't you turn it off/disappear it after period of time?

Steam does have friends API/might be possible to show something - but probably better option to use another piece of software to do that and have FrontView pop up as needed.


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RE: FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement - by GlennNZ - 2016-09-17, 04:01
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