Release ESPN Player - available in the official repository
Quote:I haven't tested forwarding in archived games, but that's nothing I have control over I'm afraid. The addon only resolves the URL from ESPN Player, and the actual playback is being done by Kodi/ffmpeg. Have you tried the same game on an iPad/iPhone and verified that the same problem doesn't exist there?

Tommorow I will test it with my Ipad.

Only games, which are cutting by ESPN have the problem in second half. The counter start with 0:0:0.

In non cutting games forwarding is no problem.

BTW there are the cfb Playoffs and bowls in the college Pass. And only ESPN Conference Finals?

March madness?

Other Sports like Lacrosse, Hockey or Little League?

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RE: ESPN Player - available in the official repository - by WHamilton - 2016-09-21, 22:53
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ESPN Player - available in the official repository2