v17 Music Library Improvements - Krypton
Ah yes, well deduced Paul. The albumartistonly flag option in the node path does effect what composers you see - true, false or missing means use the system "Show song and album artists" setting. When false (or blank and system wide is album and song artist enabled) you see all composers. When true (or blank and system wide is album and song artist disable) you see only those composers that are also album artists - a much shorter list.

So without albumartistsonly in the path the node behaviour changes with the system setting, with it the behaiour is fixed.

I realy could do with getting an explanation of all this in wiki Smile

Thanks for your DB, even though it sounds that all is working OK, that will be interesting test data for me to look at.

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RE: TESTERS WANTED: Krypton 17 Music Library Improvements - by DaveBlake - 2016-09-28, 00:11
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Music Library Improvements - Krypton1