Android HiMedia Q5/Q10 Pro (2016) with Kodi (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio)

I get asked to add all sorts of detail to the START HERE thread all the time. Its turning into a monster with far far too much detail and depth in it than was planned.
What I plan to do is push that extra detail out to Post#1 of each individual Hardware thread where it actually belongs.

@hdmkv, should put what you have written in Post #1 of this very thread and I will Hyperlink the "Kodi features missing" to it.

The one question I have is why is this Hi-Freq switcher even needed in the first place, is there a problem with the HiMedia Firmware ?
On AMLogic for example its all automatic, switching to all the Resolution modes.

If the reason for it is not already been given somewhere, then that needs to be put in Post#1 as well pls.


Messages In This Thread
HD Audio Problems with Q10 Pro - by BigPines - 2016-04-18, 18:34
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RE: HiMedia Q5/Q10 Pro (2016) with Kodi (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio) - by wrxtasy - 2016-10-08, 09:58
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HiMedia Q5/Q10 Pro (2016) with Kodi (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio)8