ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $46
Maybe you want to try openmediavault3 with your c2.


Openmediavault3 is a nas system with debian jessie as a basis. So you can do nearly everything with the command line. Wink Omv3 is still beta, but the developers call it stable. They are waiting for some plugins to be ported.

I don't use omv3 with the Odroid c2, but with a seperate server. It gives you a comfortable webui to configure your services.

Emby plugin for omv3 is not ready at the moment. But you can install it the debian way. Have a look at the emby download homepage.

There should also be a plex plugin, but I can't tell you for sure, if it is stable, because I don't use plex.

Greetings Hoppel
frontend: nvidia shield tv 2019 pro | apple tv 4k | sonos arc 5.1.2 | lg oled65c97la
backend: supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon | 64gb ecc | wd red | zfs raid-z2 | dd max s8

software: debian | proxmox | openmediavault | docker | kodi | emby | tvheadend | fhem | unifi

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ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $40 - by hoppel118 - 2016-10-31, 16:54
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