v17 Music Library Improvements - Krypton
Thanks for testing and feedback Zag.

Yes expected behaviour. Scanning of tags has improved such that collaborative albums with more than one album artist Kodi is much more likely to identify them correctly as separate artists. Artwork and scraping additional data needs to catch up. Multiple album artists are not handled well by the scraping process that assumes there is always an obvious unique artist folder. It is something I will work on for v18, so good to have an example from your collection. Classical music frequently has multiple album artists e.g. Anton Bruckner, The Cleveland Orchestra, Cristoph von Dohnanyi

Anyone liking to collaborate on improved scraping that is less music folder structure dpendant is most welcome. Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: TESTERS WANTED: Music Library Improvements - by DaveBlake - 2016-11-30, 18:28
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Music Library Improvements - Krypton1