[Release] Quartz 5 (Jarvis support)
This is far and away my favourite skin and it seems to be working OK on Jarvis for me.

Only one minor issue. When I choose Movie Info it does not show the actual path to the file. However if I do Info on a TV Show episode it does show the file path.

Any idea where/how that is done so I can see the same? I sometimes end up with duplicate movies and duplicate encodings and so it is really handy to be able to see the file path and name using the info on a movie.

EDIT: I managed to solve this problem by inserting the following code into DialogVideoInfo.xml after line 184:

<item id="8">
          <description>File Path</description>
          <onclick condition="System.HasAddon(script.skin.helper.service)">RunScript(script.skin.helper.service,action=textviewer,header=$LOCALIZE[573],message=$INFO[ListItem.FileNameAndPath])</onclick>
          <onclick condition="!System.HasAddon(script.skin.helper.service)">noop</onclick>

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RE: [Release] Quartz (Jarvis support) - by aiko - 2016-12-27, 02:32
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[Release] Quartz 5 (Jarvis support)0