Android Zidoo X9S (X-series) 4K HDR / 3D / HD Audio / ZDMC (Kodi fork): Review & Use
Yesterday i played a movie. It starts with a conversation and the subtitles are showing tags like this:


In the whole movie their are of lot of this sort of conversation by radio, it's very disturbing
I tried to fixed it in the subtitle option, but the <i> tags don't disappear. Is this a bug or is there a simple way to fix this?

And is it possible to change the font of the subtitle?
I think this one is a better font (it don't have a shadow):

Messages In This Thread
RE: Zidoo X9S & X8 (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio): Review & User Impressions - by Binnetie - 2017-01-06, 12:58
HDR aspect ratio - by ragico - 2017-02-27, 23:03
F/W; whom writes it? - by casey-jones - 2018-12-29, 15:39
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Zidoo X9S (X-series) 4K HDR / 3D / HD Audio / ZDMC (Kodi fork): Review & Use8