Heads-up: How to deal with content types / media types
(2016-12-07, 02:05)phil65 Wrote: the thing is: there is no infodialog for seasons. Wink
At the moment core just makes it open the infodialog of the corresponding tvshow, so listitem.dbtype probably returns "tvshow", and that´s why it doesnt work. I can understand why skinners want to make the infodialog for seasons look different, but atm core just doesnt allow that in a sane way, so if you want to workaround these core limitations you have to use hacks.

Any word on when or if ever info dialog for seasons will be available? Why can't it be done?

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RE: Heads-up: How to deal with content types / media types - by ilovethakush - 2017-01-12, 02:13
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