[T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control

Using the Kodi Keymap Addon appears to be a bit long winded to me as I think I have to go through the motions of editing an option and all the preceding steps to see what code a key press generates.

Rather than use the Kodi Keymap Addon, could I use your showkey.exe to see what codes my T3 generates for each of the key presses?

I have downloaded showkey from your Google drive and have it running, only problem is when I press a key it does display key details but not the 5 digit numeric key codes as per your keymap, how do I convert what showkey displays to the required 5 digit numeric key id?

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RE: [T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control - by Jeffers24 - 2017-01-13, 07:17
power button - by thenry - 2017-03-26, 14:43
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[T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control3