Release Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis)
Hi Marcel,

Titan is a fantastic Skin, great work! But I have a few problems.

1. Artist Slideshow - Fallback folder - Images are not longer displayed on fullscreen playback Confused (I think it's not caused by Artist Slidshow, because it works with other skins) I only use local Images. Local artist folder Images are shown. If there is no "extrafanart" folder, it shows just the "fanart.jpg". If there also is no "fanart.jpg", it shows the image from the last Artist or the global background image until there are songs played with "extrafanart" or "fanart.jpg" in the Artists folders.

2. After updating Skin Helper Service to version 1.0.144 there are no fanart background pictures shown in the movie view. I went back to version 1.0.100, restarted Kodi and it works fine again.

3. I disabled Kodi screensaver on fullscreen music playback, but the screensaver still starts after a few minutes while playing music.

Please, can you help me? If required, how can I upload the "kodi.log" file?


HiMedia Q10 quad (CFW 3.0.3v2)
Android 4.4.2
KODI 16.1 (Jarvis)
Skin: Titan 3.6.78

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RE: Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis) - by chrisper - 2017-01-14, 19:00
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Titan skin version 3.6.x (Kodi 16 Jarvis)11