Release WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state
(2017-01-28, 21:24)rickm Wrote: I think all I have to do is change 3600 to 60 in the "periodic execution" stanza and the interval becomes minutes instead of hours:

Seems logical. Remember though, you would always have to make sure you wait 67 seconds between the end of watching your file to moving your file (if you have hidden progress dialogue). Also depending on how you use your library, if you unwatched anything (ie. tv show, movie set) to re-watch it and keep track of that re-watch, it would also be made watched.

I have no experience with the "follow user setting". I assume you saw this :
Post 36

This has me worried a bit :
(2015-01-25, 19:14)schapplm Wrote: It could take some time between setting something as watched (or unwatched) and the message being displayed, because the addon has to crunch the entire database.


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RE: WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state - by ColonelSceneCut - 2017-01-28, 22:10
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