Music New Features/Improvements Request Summary
I've been using Kodi as a hi quality music player (on Raspberry 2 + IQ Audio DAC, OSMC, all flac files and Yatse as remote) in my living room for almost a year now, and I must say it's almost perfect.
Right now I'm testing the new web interface on and from a laptop and it seems really, really fantastic!
Now it's possible to remotely command Kodi very nicely also from a notebook and, what's more important, it's much easier and faster to create playlists, which is not possible to do from Yatse.

The only 2 things I still miss by now are:

- A much requested feature I believe: Artist named by the MusicBrainz fields of SortOrder set. It's really really annoying to find Bob Dylan under "B" instead of "D".
- A great macro category to be put aside of Artist and so on, that uses Year to group the releases: I like to prepare playlist by group of years (i.e. decades and so on) and to make standings with my friends for particular years, and thus such a feature would be very appreciated.

Thanks for all your work

Messages In This Thread
RE: Music Improvements Summary - by DaveBlake - 2016-01-20, 17:26
RE: Music Improvements Summary - by DaveBlake - 2016-01-20, 17:28
RE: Music New Features/Improvements Request Summary - by unclefester - 2017-02-02, 17:13
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Music New Features/Improvements Request Summary7