Mod Aeon MQ5 for Kodi 17 Krypton

I really hope you can help me out... I used to try switching to MQ7 for a while (on Krypton), but due to a lot of "stuff" happening around the Krypton MQ7 mods, and also me getting abysmal performance
on that skin due to all the bundled addons, I switched back to your Krypton Mod of MQ5 (after having used it on Jarvis and even before) and it is a godsend to be back - performance quadrupled, if not more.

So, everything is fine and dandy... but I have a peculiar and very specific issue with your MQ5 mod, that does NOT happen with Estuary on the Krypton Final.

I'm using Windows 10 as base, and every time when I "stop" a movie playing in 3D (H-OU, H-SBS, different video formats), Kodi crashes. I reproduced this with half a dozen files now, without fail, so I presume this is a general behaviour.

Does not happen with 2D Movies, does not happen with streams within Addons, but only with movies playing in Kodi 3D mode - I presume there is a bug somewhere in the handling of switching back from 3D to 2D interface, and I'm pretty sure you don't use a 3D TV so never tried out this specific feature...

I checked the log, but it seems kodi crashes even before something "wrong" can be written there.

Any idea what to check? If you need more info, I will provide what you need.

Messages In This Thread
Aeon MQ5 for Kodi 17 Krypton - by scott967 - 2016-01-16, 03:03
RE: [MOD] Aeon MQ5 for Kodi 17 Krypton - by kuldan - 2017-02-04, 01:18
RE: Aeon MQ5 for Kodi 17 Krypton - by musv - 2017-02-09, 13:08
RE: Aeon MQ5 for Kodi 17 Krypton - by kuldan - 2017-02-20, 14:29
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Aeon MQ5 for Kodi 17 Krypton10